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Dynasty A-FLOW Larry Butler - The Talon 90% Freccette Steel Darts

Dynasty A-FLOW Larry Butler - The Talon 90% Freccette Steel Darts

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Dynasty A-FLOW Larry Butler - The Talon 90% Freccette Steel Darts

Dynasty Dynasty A-FLOW Larry Butler - The Talon 90% Freccette Steel Darts
Dynasty Dynasty A-FLOW Larry Butler - The Talon 90% Freccette Steel Darts
Dynasty Dynasty A-FLOW Larry Butler - The Talon 90% Freccette Steel Darts
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Dynasty Dynasty A-FLOW Larry Butler - The Talon 90% Freccette Steel Darts
Dynasty Dynasty A-FLOW Larry Butler - The Talon 90% Freccette Steel Darts
Dynasty Dynasty A-FLOW Larry Butler - The Talon 90% Freccette Steel Darts

Dynasty A-FLOW Larry Butler - The Talon 90% Freccette Steel Darts

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Informazioni sul prodotto

Specifiche di Dynasty A-FLOW Larry Butler - The Talon 90%:

Marca: Dynasty
Materiale: 95% Tungsteno
Tipo di punti: Steel (in metallo)

Dimensione di: Dynasty A-FLOW Larry Butler - The Talon 90%



Diametro Massimo:

24.00 G.

55.00 mm 

6.50 mm

Dynasty A-FLOW Larry Butler - The Talon 90% contiene: 3 barrel, 3 alette e 3 astine.

Informazioni sul prodotto

Specifiche di Dynasty A-FLOW Larry Butler - The Talon 90%:

Marca: Dynasty
Materiale: 95% Tungsteno
Tipo di punti: Steel (in metallo)

Dimensione di: Dynasty A-FLOW Larry Butler - The Talon 90%



Diametro Massimo:

24.00 G.

55.00 mm 

6.50 mm

Dynasty A-FLOW Larry Butler - The Talon 90% contiene: 3 barrel, 3 alette e 3 astine.
